How to lose weight in a week without harm to health?

A girl who has lost weight in a week measures her waist

If you need to get in shape as soon as possible, it is very important not to harm your health by trying to lose weight. To do this, it is recommended to give preference to sparing diets and to give up fasting - this way it is easier not to break away and not to disrupt metabolic processes. On average, you can lose 3 kg per week, but the exact figure depends on the initial data of the person. If you do not follow a proper balanced diet after the end of the diet, then the weight will return quickly.

General recommendations

You can lose a few pounds a week at home without special diets and without harm to health, following the advice of experts:

Recommendation Explanation
Give up salt The caloric content of salt is zero, but this mineral has the ability to retain fluids in the body. A salt-free diet will allow you to get rid of excess water, eliminate puffiness, so that swelling of the legs and face will disappear. The result on the scales will be approximately minus 1, 5-3 kg
Have dinner with protein foods It takes a lot of energy to digest protein foods. Complete rejection of carbohydrates in the afternoon will lead to the fact that the body will begin to consume reserves of existing adipose tissue, which will help to lose about 100-200 g per day in addition
Enter cardio loads Intense long-term cardio training will help to quickly remove fluid from the body and speed up metabolic processes. This will help you lose 1 to 2 kg if you follow the dietary guidelines.
Eat cleaning products

One of the prerequisites for weight loss is bowel cleansing. This will help not only to lose weight, but also to heal all body systems.Cleansing foods include those that have laxative properties and are rich in fiber or healthy fatty acids:

  • green vegetables and herbs: cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, parsley, dill, green onions;
  • beets, carrots;
  • sour fruits: apples, citrus fruits, berries;
  • nuts, flaxseed, sunflower seeds - in limited quantities;
  • cold pressed vegetable oils: olive oil, flaxseed, sesame - it is recommended to drink them on an empty stomach;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots.

The daily use of dry fiber or bran cereals in foods and beverages will help to quickly cleanse the body naturally and eliminate excess weight. They can also be used as flour. The recommended daily dose for beginners is 30 g with a gradual increase to 100 g

Drinking drinks to speed up metabolism

Simple drinks that are easy to prepare at home speed up metabolic processes:

  • unsweetened green tea;
  • kefir with cinnamon;
  • Sassi water;
  • green smoothie with parsley, cucumber and lemon juice;
  • ginger drink with lemon
Organize a day on an empty stomach

It is recommended to follow the one-day unloading diets no more than once a week, optimally - once a month. During this day you can lose up to 2 kg.

Menu unloading options:

  • up to 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of "Brush" salad;
  • 1, 5 liters of low-fat yogurt;
  • 1 kg of kefir;
  • ordinary drinking water - unlimited.

In the second case, we are talking about starvation, which is allowed only to absolutely healthy people.

These tips will help you lose up to 3 kg for someone who adheres to a proper diet, as well as for a person whose diet is not healthy and balanced. In the latter case, for greater effect, it is recommended to exclude flour, sweets and fried foods.

Review of effective diets

Choosing diets will allow you to lose weight urgently and not harm your health. A prerequisite for compliance with any of them is the lack of contraindications.Children and adolescents should refrain from such diets and give preference to a proper balanced diet.


This is a 7 day diet.The basic principle is that every day you should eat foods of the same type or dishes with a certain consistency:

  1. Liquid diet-soups, teas, juices, fruit drinks, fermented milk drinks are allowed.
  2. Vegetables-mostly raw or carefully cooked. Everything is allowed except potatoes.
  3. Menu for the first day.
  4. All fruits and berries. Bananas, dates, mangoes, grapes should be eaten only in the morning.
  5. Protein-of both vegetable and animal origin.
  6. Menu for the first day.
  7. Any diet with proper nutrition.

The advantages of the "Favorite" diet is that it is easily tolerated, helps cleanse the body, includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals and is compatible with sports. For one week of observation it is possible to get rid of 3-4 kg. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use the general tips listed above.

Such a diet is contraindicated for people with acute or chronic diseases of any organ.

Example of a menu for all days of the "favorite" diet:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Dinner
one Strawberry smoothie Fresh carrots and apples Creamy broccoli and cauliflower soup Cucumber smoothie, parsley and lemon juice Kefir with fiber
2 Tomato and parsley salad Finely grated carrots Stew of eggplant, carrots, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers with green peas Salad of cabbage, cucumbers and greens Zucchini roasted with peppers and onions
3 Menu as on the first day
4 Banana puree All kinds of fruit salads Apples baked with raisins and nuts Strawberry smoothie Citrus and kiwi salad
five Cottage cheese and egg cheesecake 2 hard boiled eggs Boiled chicken fillet, green peas Beans stewed in tomato juice Roasted fish
6 Menu as on the first day
7 Granola with yogurt Citrus salad Vegetable soup without potatoes with chicken meatballs 2 hard boiled eggs, cucumber Seafood stewed with onions and carrots


The protein diet is popular for its benefits:

  • weight loss is due to the burning of adipose tissue while muscle remains;
  • the diet allows you not to feel hungry;
  • a large number of dishes can be prepared from permitted products.

In the strict version it is allowed to adhere to this diet for up to a month, while it is possible to lose up to 10 kg.

Sample menu for the day of the protein diet:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Dinner
Omelet with 2 eggs and 1 protein and 100 ml of skim milk Kefir jelly with sweetener and vanilla Steamed chicken cutlets Cottage cheese with fiber and flax seeds Roasted salmon fillet with lemon slices

When following a high protein diet, it is important to drink enough water-this will ease the digestive process and help prevent constipation.

Mono diets

Following a monochromatic diet is considered an effective way to lose weight in the shortest possible time.

Diet option Basic rules, diet
Buckwheat The buckwheat diet lasts from 3 to 10 days and helps to lose up to 1 kg per day. Buckwheat should be cooked in a special way: pour the cereal overnight with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1 to 2 and leave overnight. Consume in the morning without spices or oils. You can eat up to 1 kg of such porridge a day, in addition to it are allowed vegetables, low-fat yogurt or yogurt, green tea and an unlimited amount of clean water. If you follow a diet for more than 3 days, you can add to the diet green apples, citrus fruits, cabbage, carrots, beets

Kefir diet can be followed no more than 3 days without harm to the health of the digestive system. During this time it is realistic to lose up to 3 kg. The drink should be chosen with a minimum fat content and good quality.

You can diversify the menu in the following ways:

  • add a tablespoon of bran and sweetener to a glass of kefir-you get an alternative to store-bought yogurt with cereals;
  • add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to each 200 ml of kefir-will help speed up fat burning and reduce appetite;
  • add 30 ml of lemon juice to a glass of drink-for fast fat burning;
  • add a tablespoon of chia or flaxseed to 200 ml of kefir to improve the cleansing effect

It is advisable to follow a diet with cucumbers in the height of the vegetable season. It is very strict and low in calories, but gives excellent results.-you can lose 1, 5 kg per day. The maximum duration of such a diet-up to 5 days.

Products that are allowed for consumption:

  • cucumbers-the basis of the diet;
  • White Cabbage;
  • green;
  • green apples;
  • Forest fruits;
  • low-fat cottage cheese-up to 300 g per day;
  • chicken eggs-maximum 6 pieces per week, no more than 2 per day
Fruits The express fruit diet is considered to be the most delicious and effective-for 3 days of observance you can lose up to 3 kg. You can eat any fruit, the main thing is-choose them according to the season. Sweet and high-calorie is recommended to eat in the morning, fruit, citrus fruits, kiwi-Anytime

It is recommended to adhere to monodiet for 3 to 7 days, no more. The range of products is very limited and longer adherence will lead to a lack of essential trace elements and to disruption of metabolic processes, which will affect the appearance.

The disadvantage of this technique-unstable result. At least half of the weight lost returns as soon as a person switches to the usual diet.


The drinking diet is strict, it is allowed to follow no longer than 3 days, because the lack of solid food leads to a number of metabolic disorders.Ordinary water can be drunk indefinitely, in addition to the following drinks and meals are allowed:

  • freshly squeezed juices, half diluted with water;
  • ginger drink with honey and lemon;
  • vegetable and chicken broths;
  • green or herbal unsweetened tea;
  • kefir or yoghurt, protein drinks based on them;
  • liquid vegetable soups-tomato, pumpkin, cabbage;
  • cocoa with milk with a minimum fat content.

Sample diet menu for the day:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Dinner
Strawberry, banana and chia seeds smoothie Tomato juice Liquid vegetable puree of pumpkin, onion and carrot Watermelon smoothie Kefir with bran and sweetener

Detox diet

The diet is considered curative, because with it it is possible not only to lose up to 6 kg per week, but also to cleanse all body systems. Flour, sweet, fatty, salty, fried foods are excluded, protein foods are limited. At the heart of the detox diet-vegetables, fruits, cereals. It is recommended to be monitored by all people at least 1-2 times a year for preventive purposes.

The cleansing diet has practically no contraindications-contains food rich in vitamins and minerals. The diet is distinguished by the variety of products and the number of dishes that can be prepared from them.

During the detox diet it is recommended to drink plenty of water, and vegetables and fruits should be selected according to the season.

An example menu for a weekly detox diet looks like this:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Dinner
one Watermelon smoothie with mint Ginger drink Strawberry smoothie Herbal tea Ginger drink
2 Orange fresh, peaches Melon Apple and pear salad with sunflower seeds Citrus Baked apples or fresh puree
3 Fruit Salad Kiwi Eggplant stew, peppers, onions, carrots Green salad with herbs Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, roasted zucchini and carrots
4 Rice porridge with apples All kinds of citrus fruits Rice with vegetables Melon Vinaigrette without potatoes with green peas
five Rice porridge with raisins Every fruit 100 g boiled turkey, stewed broccoli Cucumber salad 1 steamed chicken cutlet, cabbage salad, cucumber, pepper
6 Oatmeal with banana Baked apple 100 g of ready buckwheat porridge, 100 g of boiled beef, salad of all kinds of vegetables Grated carrots with sesame oil Stew of turkey, zucchini, onions, carrots and green peas
7 "Lazy oatmeal" with yogurt and berries Every fruit 100 g of ready-made buckwheat porridge, steamed chicken cutlet, cabbage and vegetable salad Kefir with fiber Turkey baked in yogurt with herbs

Of all the express diets, you need to get out right - to expand the diet first with fruits, vegetables and grains, then with other products.It is recommended to introduce 1 element every 2-3 days and to control the daily calorie intake. This will help to consolidate the result obtained in the process of losing weight and forming new eating habits.